Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Growing so quick...

Life continues to roll along for all of us. We are having a good time. Worth, Shane and Gray took me out for breakfast for my birthday and I don't know if it was age or hormones but sitting there looking at my family just made me tear up. Worth looked at me and wanted to know what my deal was. I couldn't really answer, just so happy to have two beautiful kids and a pretty happy family.

I can't believe the changes in Shane. She seems to be changing by the hour. On Sunday, we went to Target and she picked out her own toothbrush (Belle from "Beauty and the Beast") shoes (purple flowers) and a Halloween shirt (orange with a black kitty). She is so opinionated! Yesterday, she went all day wearing panties and only had one accident. I am so hopeful that by Christmas she will be done with the money pit that are diapers. Who knows, when they are both out of diaper we may be able to afford a second home.

Sad news, Pauper I died. We now have Pauper II - unbeknownst to Shane, I don't know how I will ever explain death but I do know it isn't going to be when she is TWO. I cleverly lied and told her Pauper had gone to spend the night with our dear friend Susan - we even called Susan to make sure Pauper was okay. The next day I drove to Pet Smart - praying all the way that they would have a match. Lucky me, they did. Shane was very excited to see Pauper had come back safe and sound from Susan's.

Our strong boy is coming right along too. He is rolling over on his own now and has started cereal. There is a new cereal picture on the picture page (along with several others). He is the happiest baby ever. Shane loves him to pieces, she brings him toys and any time he is crying she comes looking for me to make sure I know that "her baby is crying". Of course, nobody brings a smile to his face faster that her - although his daddy is a close second. I wonder how long the love-fest will last??

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