Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Princess and the Pauper

Thanks to the movie Finding Nemo we now have a fish for Shane. I am not quite sure how it happened, we were watching the movie, Shane starts whineing about wanting Nemo and all of a sudden I hear the words come out of my mouth "Maybe tomorrow we can go get you a fish." I put her to bed thinking that she would forget about it but the next morning she is talking non-stop about getting "Memo." We went to Pet Smart and let her pick out her very own Beta (much more durable than a clown fish - and cheeper). When we got home she really didn't show much interest, but now she loves her fish. When I asked her what she wanted to name him she said "Pauper" - at first I thought she said Popper but then I realized she meant the character off her favorite movie, The Princess and the Pauper, a completely awful Barbie movie. So now we have both a Princess and a Pauper living at our house. You can see our newest family member on the picture page.

Gray is doing great! We went to the doctor last week and our little tank is up to almost 15 lbs! He loves to talk to us, "Goo" is his favorite word but his vocabulary is growing. When he is in his saucer, he can scream (happy screams) louder than Shane. Yesterday, when I was picking them up from school, Shane started to cry (like she does about almost everything) we she realized we were leaving and Gray looked at her and then at me and started the scream right along with her. Sibling bonding has never been so painful.

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