Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Gray is part baby part piggy. Not only does he get excited to eat food but he get down right demanding about it. There is no mistaking when it is meal time at our house. He has a scream that is louder than anything Shane has ever produced. At a typical meal he will eat cereal, a jar of applesauce, a jar of something else (pears, sweet potatoes - no to squash) and still kick back a 4-6 oz. bottle! After all this gluttony you would think it would be nap time but usually he wants to go play with Shane (his FAVORITE person). You have never seen a happier person than Gray after a good meal. When we use to feed Shane most all the food would ooze back out of her mouth - not our little man. That would be entirely too wasteful, 95% of the food stays in and gets put to good use. Not to be gross but he also is proficient in completing the digestive process. Let me just say he usually can't wear the same pair of jammies more than one night. When he blows it is from head toe - an AM bath is the norm. All of this makes for one happy baby though, he is such a joy and one of the two cutest babies ever born.

On Sunday, Gray starting sitting up on his own. Very surprising, we put him down for a nap and when he woke up he had aged a month. He was sitting up some, playing with toys he hadn't done much with before and damn near talking in complete sentences.

On a very exciting note, Shane is potty trained!! She hasn't had an accident in 5 days!! She still wears a diaper at night but the days are a go. We were even out a lot this weekend and she had no trouble using the potty in strange places. I think she really liked it. Maybe that is how she gets her adventure in - no slides or swings, but strange potties, YES!

One of Shane's new favorite words is actually. "Actually Mommy, that is my cup." "Gray, this is actually my Pinky Bear." So cute I can't stand it. She is also into dancing, we have put a cd player in her playroom and she loves it.

Dear friends, I must report the passing of Pauper II. We left the house for a few hours and had left him in a cup while I changed his water. Upon return I found Pauper II in the middle of the kitchen floor - dry. Poor guy was still alive and lingered 24 hours but he gave it up yesterday afternoon. I just left him in the bowl (dead Betas don't seem to float, they sink which is good news for a mother of a 2 year old) so Shane wouldn't notice and cleaned him up after bedtime. Shane has kinda lost interest in the last week or so, so I thought maybe she wouldn't notice him gone – wrong - that was the first thing out of her mouth this morning "Where's Pauper?" with such a worried little look. I told her Pauper was visiting Susan again. Needless to say Pauper III will be at our house tonight.

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