Thursday, February 22, 2007

Growing up TOO fast

Happy Birthday tomorrow to my princess.

Today is the day before Shane's 4th birthday. So sweet, so cute, so already been french kissed. Yes, read that again –– I did say french kissed.

Last night, while putting my darling to bed, I was giving her kisses and she stuck her tongue out. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was going to stick her tongue in my mouth. I asked her where she learned to do that and she said it was a game they play at school called "Tounge-Strum". She said she plays it with Christian - I knew that kid looked like trouble. When I asked if anyone else played she said "YES, 2 girls and a boy –– Christian, Carson and me".


When I asked if Miss Candy (her teacher) knew about the game she said they did it when she wasn't looking.

Damn, damn.

I explained that it probably wasn't a good game to play because you could pass on bad germs. That seemed to work for her. As the conversation continued, she started telling me stories about her friends that I know weren't true. And then she changed the game to be licking each others cheeks. So how much is true and how much isn't I will never know. This morning she told me that they didn't play that anymore because they could catch each others colds. When I asked if she played it yesterday she got mad and said "I said I didn't make it up but now I say I made it up". I don't think that is something she can completely create without assistance from other kids. I am sure those no good 5-year-olds corrupted my girl - older kids can be such bad influences.

Obviously, I am kidding but it is amazing how quickly we get to address adult topics with our kids. But I can remember my cousin kissing all of us with an open mouth when he was 2-3 because he just thought that was how it was done. He was also caught under a table naked with a girl "checking things out".

It is just natural and I have to remember not to project adult thinking on innocent/curious behavior. Yesterday she flipped me off and I asked her what she was doing and she was just showing me her sore on her finger.

That being said, I have a daughter that is free to a good home. I don't think I will be able to withstand watching her go through puberty.


typingelbow said...

Shane is clearly a girl after my own heart. Happy birthday, Shane and Momma!

Texas Trail Mix said...

Well, how WAS it?

God I can't believe I am joking about this. I think I am blocking...

Clearly this is terrible. Ask me sometime about Sydney getting "grabbed" in her Kindergarten classroom! What in the hay is happening here? What IN THE WORLD will be dealing with when they're in middle, high school?

Do they allow girls in convents?
Not that we are Catholic...

Texas Trail Mix said...

I am still thinking on this subject. Sorry, but they learn it from: people they are with or television. No other way about it.

TELL me I am wrong.