Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bloging, pooping etc.

I am being inspired to do this by my friend EB and her endearing blogs. Every once in a while I will get an email announcing a new blog entry from EB and I am excited. Not because she writes about anything earth shattering but because they are fun to read. That is what I am hoping for, something kinda fun to read and interesting to those people that want to hear about our family. Also, something I can keep and my kids can laugh at and be embarassed by someday.

Good example of embarassed by will be this first entry. Poor Shane.

I am so excited, Shane is learning to use her potty! Yesterday at school she used it three times! Good news for our checking account because diaper are crazy expensive! Now, I know it may still take another 6 mo. to a year to get her completely off of diapers but we are making significant strides. This morning she asked to poop on her "big potty" which is a seat we got for her to sit on the actual toilet, not the little one on the floor. Only downfall, I get to sit on the tub and wait...and wait...and wait ... while she thinks about pooping and chatters along about colors, books and her hair. Of course the best part is when she done she gets to pick out a sticker, right now the rage is Care Bears. We have Care Bears stickers scattered all over the house.

Shane also got a hair cut last night. This morning I caught her flipping her hair and shaking her head while looking in the mirror - it was like watching a 1970's "Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific" commercial.

Gray is doing great as well. He is desperately trying to sit up and he is only 3 1/2 mo. I don't know if that is normal but Shane was older before she got it. He is our little pigglet - I dressed him in some jammies last night that Shane wore when she was 10 mo. They were a little big but not much. He is such a happy boy, I am however irritated. He was doing so good at sleeping through the night but the last 3-4 nights he has been waking up at 3-4 am. I love him but there is a limit! I think we may try a little cereal in the bottle soon.
More fun to come soon...

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